Create your Bonusregeling in 5 minutes

  • Fully customized in Dutch and English
  • Made by top specialists
  • Available as Word and PDF file

What is a bonus scheme?

As an employer, you always agree on a fixed salary with your employee. It is possible to agree on a variable remuneration on top of this, which depends on a number of factors and can therefore motivate the employee extra during work. In a Bonus scheme you make agreements with your employees about how this variable remuneration is determined and what it is.

Process and Pricing for Bonus scheme 

After you have fulfilled the checkout process, we will send you a form where you will out a few details about yourself, your company and your company structure. Once this has been filled out we will start working on your Bonus scheme. This takes on average 1-2 working days. 
The total price is: €150.00 ex. vat.