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What are general terms and conditions for e-commerce?

Terms for online retail of physical products is to some extent different than terms & conditions for services. These terms and conditions are designed for online retail of material objects: something you can physically hold. A service is something that someone does or organizes for you, such as a haircut at the hairdresser, the delivery of a flight or a subscription to TV and internet.

These custom tailored webshop terms and conditions will arrange, among other things, the following:

  • agreements about the reflection period;
  • who pays the costs for the return;
  • agreements about liability;
  • agreements about possible login details;
  • agreements regarding the price and payment of your products or services;
  • where your customers can turn to for complaints;
  • mandatory agreements that protect your consumers.

Do I need terms and conditions for e-commerce?

Yes, if you sell products or services online you should have these terms and conditions in order. If you are not selling online, we refer you to our general terms and conditions.

Some of the matters these e-commerce terms and conditions take care of

The conditions, at a minimum, state that you are not liable for indirect damages, such as lost revenue. Additionally, you can further limit your liability as an extra precaution for yourself.

Cooling-off Period
Consumers have the legal right to trial products or services they purchase online for a period of 14 days. During this period, they may cancel the agreement free of charge. You can further shape the terms of this right in your online shop conditions.

Cost of Return
We'll include in your terms and conditions whether the customer covers the cost of returning a product, or if you bear these costs.